The Administration for Community Living (ACL) oversees Administration on Aging (AoA) programs and conducts the National Survey of Older Americans Act (OAA) Participants. This is a national sample survey of programs on aging funded by Title III of the Older Americans Act. The purpose of this survey is to provide ACL/AoA with an effective method for collecting data on Title III programs. The results of this study help ACL/AoA measure and achieve its accountability requirements and goals as reported to Congress.
Approximately half of the Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs) located in the 50 states and DC are selected each year to participate in this study, using a stratified sampling procedure. A small sample of clients from each selected AAA is then randomly selected to participate in a survey about services they received during the past year. The OAA services being evaluated include: Case Management, Congregate Meals, Home-Delivered Meals, Homemaker, Transportation, and Family Caregiver Support.
Westat is the research firm that conducts this annual survey for ACL. The survey is conducted using a combination of mailed paper surveys, telephone interviews, and online surveys (for caregivers only). All responses are kept confidential and anonymous. The reported results do not identify any individuals, agencies or providers, cities, or states.
If you represent a State Unit on Aging or AAA selected to participate in the National Survey of OAA Participants, please click on AAA/SUA Login link above to access detailed instructions or to upload or download data.